Eureka-Erweiterung: Bequemes Teilen von Links für Eureka!
With Eureka Extension, users no longer need to manually copy and paste links from articles they come across while browsing online. Instead, they can simply click on the "Add link..." button in the extension's pop-up, saving time and effort.
One of the key features of this extension is its integration with the Google Safe Browsing API. Before a link is posted, it is vetted by the API's filter to ensure that it is safe and not flagged for any malicious content. This ensures a secure and reliable link sharing experience for users.
Overall, Eureka Extension provides a convenient and efficient way for users to share links to Eureka! directly from their Chrome toolbar. Its seamless integration with the Google Safe Browsing API adds an extra layer of security, giving users peace of mind when sharing links.
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